4. What sentiment analysis is today? How Lords of Data profile our emotions

Results of project

Emotions and Sentiment analysis: how they are used today

This Learning Path aims to describe Sentiment Analysis and opinion mining. How it is used in the market area and what kind of datas are g…

Subject areas

Twitter Sentiment Analysis - The Good the Bad and the OMG!


In this paper, we investigate the utility of linguistic features for detecting the sentiment of Twitter messages. We evaluate the usefulnes…

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Sentiment Analysis Of Twitter Data


Day by day, social media and blogs become the best platform to express views and opinions about different issues, such as evaluation of pro…

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How Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google manipulate our emotions | Scott Galloway


Nowadays, big companies use different strategies to manipulate people and set some unwritten rules. People are affected by these strategies…

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Deep learning for sentiment analysis: successful approaches and future challenges


Sentiment analysis (also known as opinion mining) is an active research area in natural language processing. It aims at identifying, extrac…

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Sentiment Analysis On Social Media


Video Lecture about Sentiment analysis

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Sentiment Analysis history and use today


Article about Sentiment analysis from KDnuggets™ which is a leading site on AI, Analytics, Big Data, Data Mining, Data Science, and Machine…

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EU ‘data sovereignty’: opportunities and challenges


In November 2018, the European Commission presented its Digital Strategy, where it set the vision to become a ‘digitally transformed, user-…

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Why we should have agency over our digital identity data & how to get it


Why we should have agency over our digital identity data & how to get it | Roop Singh | TEDxAtlanta Roop Singh is a technology strategis…

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NLP - Linear Models for Text Sentiment Analysis


In this video, we will talk about first text classification model on top of features that we have described.

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A Quick Guide To Sentiment Analysis


A Quick Guide To Sentiment Analysis | Sentiment Analysis In Python Using Textblob | Edureka This video on the Sentiment Analysis in Pyth…

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How sentiment analysis lets you find out what your customers like (and dislike).


If you want to find out what your customers like (and dislike!), then you need to run sentiment analysis... but what should you be analyzin…

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Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis


Early History of Sentiment Analysis

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Data Sovereignty


Berlin & Vienna are going Barcelona What's Berlin's digital strategy for the next years? How can technology lead to more participation in…

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