Educational library

  • Learning path type
    • simple collection ()
    • sequence ()
    • directed graph ()
  • Levels
    • Primary ()
    • Secondary ()
    • Post-secondary ()
    • - Undergraduate ()
    • - Graduate / Professional ()
    • - Career / Technical ()
    • - Adult Education ()
    • Informal Education ()
  • Subject areas
    • Arts ()
    • Economics and Business ()
    • - Entrepreneurship ()
    • - Marketing ()
    • Humanities ()
    • - Foreign Languages ()
    • - Social Sciences ()
    • -- Interpersonal Skills ()
    • Science, Technology and Mathematics ()
    • - Information & Communication Technology ()
    • -- ICT Literacy ()
    • -- Graphic Design ()
    • Education ()
    • - Tutoring and Mentoring ()
    • - Special education ()
    • - Learning assessment ()
    • - Learning strategies ()
    • - Teaching methodologies ()
    • - Disabilities and rehabilitation ()
  • Tags
    • accessibility ()
    • artificial intelligence ()
    • CAT tools ()
    • coding ()
    • cognition ()
    • collaborative learning ()
    • communication skills ()
    • content curation ()
    • content management system (CMS) ()
    • creative industry ()
    • critical thinking ()
    • crowdsourcing ()
    • cultural heritage ()
    • customer relationship management (CRM) ()
    • digital art ()
    • digital library ()
    • digital media ()
    • e-commerce ()
    • employability ()
    • entrepreneurial skills ()
    • entrepreneurship ()
    • foreign languages ()
    • group work ()
    • ICT literacy ()
    • ICT tools ()
    • information literacy ()
    • internationalization (i18n) ()
    • labour market ()
    • language education ()
    • language industry ()
    • learning assessment ()
    • lifelong learning ()
    • machine learning ()
    • machine translation (MT) ()
    • marketing ()
    • mobility ()
    • musical education ()
    • neurosciences ()
    • online collaboration ()
    • online services ()
    • online work ()
    • open data ()
    • open translation ()
    • professional skills ()
    • psychology ()
    • search engine optimisation (SEO) ()
    • self-directed learning ()
    • social network ()
    • soft skills ()
    • special education needs ()
    • statistics ()
    • STEM - science, technology, .. ()
    • sustainability ()
    • telerehabilitation ()
    • translation ()
    • vocational training ()
    • web development ()
    • web economy ()
    • web marketing ()
    • web writing ()
    • work based learning (WBL) ()
  • Subject areas
    • Arts ()
    • Economics and Business ()
    • - Entrepreneurship ()
    • - Marketing ()
    • Humanities ()
    • - Foreign Languages ()
    • - Social Sciences ()
    • -- Interpersonal Skills ()
    • - Linguistics ()
    • - History ()
    • Science, Technology and Mathematics ()
    • - Statistics ()
    • - Information & Communication Technology ()
    • -- ICT Literacy ()
    • -- Graphic Design ()
    • Education ()
    • - Tutoring and Mentoring ()
    • - Special education ()
    • - Learning assessment ()
    • - Learning strategies ()
    • - Teaching methodologies ()
    • Medical sciences ()
    • - Disabilities and rehabilitation ()
  • Tags
    • accessibility ()
    • artificial intelligence ()
    • CAT tools ()
    • coding ()
    • cognition ()
    • collaborative learning ()
    • communication skills ()
    • content curation ()
    • content management system (CMS) ()
    • creative industry ()
    • critical thinking ()
    • crowdsourcing ()
    • cultural heritage ()
    • customer relationship management (CRM) ()
    • digital art ()
    • digital divide ()
    • digital library ()
    • digital media ()
    • e-commerce ()
    • employability ()
    • entrepreneurial skills ()
    • entrepreneurship ()
    • foreign languages ()
    • group work ()
    • ICT literacy ()
    • ICT tools ()
    • information literacy ()
    • internationalization (i18n) ()
    • labour market ()
    • language education ()
    • language industry ()
    • learning assessment ()
    • lifelong learning ()
    • machine learning ()
    • machine translation (MT) ()
    • marketing ()
    • mobility ()
    • musical education ()
    • neurosciences ()
    • online collaboration ()
    • online services ()
    • online work ()
    • open data ()
    • open translation ()
    • professional skills ()
    • psychology ()
    • search engine optimisation (SEO) ()
    • self-directed learning ()
    • social network ()
    • soft skills ()
    • special education needs ()
    • statistics ()
    • STEM - science, technology, .. ()
    • sustainability ()
    • telerehabilitation ()
    • translation ()
    • vocational training ()
    • web development ()
    • web economy ()
    • web marketing ()
    • web writing ()
    • work based learning (WBL) ()
  • Languages
    • Arabic ()
    • Croatian ()
    • Danish ()
    • English ()
    • French ()
    • German ()
    • Greek ()
    • Italian ()
    • Lithuanian ()
    • Portuguese ()
    • Spanish ()
  • Levels
    • Primary ()
    • Secondary ()
    • Post-secondary ()
    • - Undergraduate ()
    • - Graduate / Professional ()
    • - Career / Technical ()
    • - Adult Education ()
    • Informal Education ()
  • Accessibility features
    • Visual ()
    • Auditory ()
    • Textual ()
    • Audio Description ()
    • Caption ()
    • Verbatim Captions ()
    • Long Description ()
    • Transcript ()
  • OER type
    • Metadata only ()
    • Metadata and online reference ()
    • Metadata and document(s) ()
    • Metadata and richtext ()
  • Type of material
    • Activities and Labs ()
    • Assessments ()
    • Audio Lectures ()
    • Case Study ()
    • Data ()
    • Full Course ()
    • Games ()
    • Homework and Assignments ()
    • Images and Illustrations ()
    • Instructional Material ()
    • Interactive ()
    • Lecture Notes ()
    • Lesson Plans ()
    • Primary Source ()
    • Readings ()
    • Reference ()
    • Resource Review ()
    • Simulations ()
    • Specimen ()
    • Student Guide ()
    • Syllabi ()
    • Teaching and Learning Strategies ()
    • Textbooks ()
    • Unit of Study ()
    • Video Lectures ()
    • Software Tool ()
    • Other ()
  • Media formats
    • Audio ()
    • Downloadable docs ()
    • eBook ()
    • Graphics/Photos ()
    • Interactive ()
    • Mobile ()
    • Text/HTML ()
    • Video ()
    • Other ()
  • Terms of use
    • No Strings Attached ()
    • - CC Attribution ()
    • - Public Domain ()
    • Remix and Share ()
    • - CC Attribution-Share Alike ()
    • - CC Attribution-Noncommercial ()
    • - CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike ()
    • - CC Noncommercial-Share Alike ()
    • - GNU FDL ()
    • Share Only ()
    • - CC Attribution-No Derivative Works ()
    • - CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works ()
    • Read the Fine Print ()
  • Repository features
    • Authors info ()
    • Creative Commons license info ()
    • Download support ()
    • Full-text search ()
    • Multi-lingual UI support ()
    • Popularity score (by users) ()
    • Quality rating (by editorial board) ()
    • Advanced search ()
    • Tags ()
    • Social media support ()
  • Languages
    • English ()
    • French ()
    • German ()
    • Italian ()
    • Portuguese ()
    • Spanish ()
  • Subject areas
    • Arts ()
    • Economics and Business ()
    • - Entrepreneurship ()
    • Humanities ()
    • - Foreign Languages ()
    • - Social Sciences ()
    • -- Interpersonal Skills ()
    • Science, Technology and Mathematics ()
    • - Information & Communication Technology ()
    • -- ICT Literacy ()
    • -- Graphic Design ()
    • Education ()
    • - Tutoring and Mentoring ()
  • Repository type
    • Repository (contents) ()
    • Catalog (metadata only) ()
    • Directory / Portal ()
    • Repository plus Catalog or Directory ()
    • MOOC ()