5. Can we take ownership of the information we produce? An example taken from the Education System
Dear Jennifer,
the title refers to the GENERAL PROBLEM (so, in your question, to the first interpretation) and implement that original problem as referred to the world of EDUCATION: I could clear my suggestion by adding other issues and questions here:
We are aware that within the global digital market every data we leave is assumed by digital corporation and used to build our "consumer's profile". These firms are interested in foreseen what expenses we could do nextly.
In our educational age or, to better say, in the part of life we dedicate to education (both in a formal educational institution and in informal, self-organized way) we should perhaps be freed by this commercial-focused kind of digital environment; educational activities are more or less taken apart from the rigid rules of business; shouldn't be so also in the digital arena?
Should european countries authorities work to provide an educational environment where GDPR and other restrictions against "rude business rules" to let education and people who attend educational activities outside the commercial arena? While this can result as a utopist goal, nevertheless many similar principles were guaranteed in the past in the european culture; are there the basis to fight for this goal?