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Ricerca Gnome

I luoghi comuni del linguaggio

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Student feedback app

Mobile app and backend support for sending real-time reactions while attending a lecture

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A short introductory course of Arabic Language - by Giath Rammo

First steps in comprehension of spoken and written Arabic language

most popular learning path

Development of a Student Feedback App for the WE-COLLAB project

References to objectives and tools, notes on the software development, preliminary version of instructions for the user.

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XI Lezione - Arabo LAR Giath Rammo @ Libera Accademia Romana

XI Lezione - Arabo LAR Giath Rammo @ Libera Accademia Romana

most popular OER

ADHD e stili di apprendimento

In questo articolo si va ad analizzare il fatto che è importante uno stile di apprendimento giusto per imparare in modo efficiente. A maggi…