La tecnologia applicata al patrimonio museale

Results of project

Una nuova frontiera per la visita museale

L'obiettivo del nostro progetto è quello di promuovere e incoraggiare l'applicazione delle nuove tecnologie all'interno dei complessi musea…

Subject areas

The technology applied to the heritage museum

the goal of this learning process of the project "The technology applied to the heritage museum" is to introduce new technologies in the mu…

Subject areas

Come saranno i musei del futuro


Tra realtà virtuale, Google Glass e stampa 3D, visita guidata alle mostre di domani e ai primi esperimenti in corso

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Esperienze personalizzate


Quest'articolo spiega come la tecnologia dà la possibilità di personalizzare la propria esperienza museale. Bambini, giovani, adulti e disa…

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Van Gogh Alive: quando la tecnologia rende l'arte un'esperianza a 360°


Quest'articolo tratta l'impatto emotivo scaturito dall'applicazione della teconologia alle opere di Van Gogh. Non solo realtà aumentata ma …

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Modelli tattili in 3D


In questo articolo viene descritta l'installazione sperimentale di un percorso tattile e con rilevatori ad infrarossi, accessibile a person…

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Tecnologia museale: un modo per migliorare l'esperienza museale


Questo breve articolo spiega come migliorare l'esperienza museale dei visitatori attraverso l'utilizzo dei "Beacon". Lo scopo è, quindi, qu…

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Tecnologia VR e 3D


Nell'articolo viene descritto l'applicazione della realtá virtuale presso Castel del monte e come essa viene programmata tramite i rilevame…

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L'importanza del 3d printing nei musei


It highlights the importance of the 3d and success in British museums explained . It is also very important for Italian museums , so much s…

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Tate Britain e il museo sensoriale


In this article the technique of Tate Britain " Tate Sensorium " is explained. It highlights the importance of participation of all the sen…

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La tecnologia nei musei in collaborazione con Samsung.


as the restructuring of the gallery in Venice. Here we have a partnership with Samsung for a very important project for 3D reconstruction .

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Soluzioni per migliorare la realtà italiana


This article explains how to improve the reality of Italian museums : for example , printing with clay in 3D for faithful reproduction .

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Smithsonian Institution e la prima digitalizzazione in 3D.


institution contains the largest number of devices in the world . Use the technique of playing in 3D so you can be benefit by all, even by …

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Guggenheim museum: Primo museo italiano a usare i QR code


This museum uses the QR code to open to the world the contents related to the museum, images, promotions making interactive dialogue with …

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Forte Belvedere: il museo delle sensazioni.


This museum was dedicated to the Great War.It wants trought sounds, lights and voices to take part the visitors of the sensory perception o…

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Le Audio-guide nei musei


Audio-guides are application for tablet and mobile. They are used to give more information or to enrich the work with images.

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A Viareggio il museo è touch screen


This is an article about the use of touch screen in the museums and how it improves the experience of the visit.

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C’era una volta il museo: lo storytelling nel progetto Chess


This is an article about the innovative project of Chess. It explains in a simple way what is this project and how it is used in museums fo…

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La ricostruzione di Pergamo e il suo architetto Yadegar Asisi.


This is a video that explains how the reconstruction of Pergamon was realized .

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Berlino, rivive Pergamo, la perla dell'Ellenismo


This is an article of 2011 about the reconstruction of Pergamon, an ancient city in Asia Minor. The reproduction was realized by Yadegar As…

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Art Glass: la realtà aumentata per i beni culturali.


This is a PDF document about Art Glass and how it is used at the Museum of St. Gimignano (Tuscany, Siena).

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Tecnologia QR Code a Genova


This is an FAI article. This article explains the importance and use of QR code in the museum.

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Beacon al museo. La pinacoteca di Palazzo Farnese a Piacenza


This is a pdf document about visit at Palazzo Farnese in Piacenza with the Beacons.

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Cosa sono i beacons e come stanno rivoluzionando i musei e gli spazi culturali


Beacons: a new technology for museums. They are a good objects for the improvement of museum's visit. When the guests come near the Arts th…

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Madrid: al Museo del Prado arrivano i primi quadri in rilievo per non vedenti


at the museum of Prado, Spain, there is the first exposition for blinds. People can touch the pictures and they have a audioguide and a dog…

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TIC, Museos y Educación


This is an article of 2013 about of utilizazion of technology for develop museums. There are the slides for the better comprehension.

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