Tourism, protected areas and development in South Africa: views of visitors to Mkambati Nature Reserve

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Tourism to areas of natural beauty has recently been seen as one of the fastest growing tourism activities in many countries around the world. Known by several names including ‘ecotourism’, ‘green tourism’, ‘agri-tourism’ and so forth, this form of tourism is expected to continue increasing well into the twenty first century. This brand of tourism also encompasses celebrating and sharing with tourists the uniqueness and diversity of different cultures in areas visited.Ecotourism in these relatively poorer countries in particular has been seen as a way to attract tourists from wealthier countries, in a way boosting foreign exchange earnings . Tourism has been part of the South African economy over many decades, it is only recently that it has been aggressively promoted as one of the key economic growth strategies.

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Submitted by Alina Paun
in the project Turismo Sostenibile: aree protette a bassa densità turistica

last updated 01/05/2020

Original editing language: Italiano
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