Ruolo e sentimenti del logopedista

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italiano: Ruolo e sentimenti del logopedista durante la pandemia di Covid-19: intervista a tre logopedisti impiegati in fase acuta inglese: Role and feelings of the speech therapist during the Covid-19 pandemic: interview with three speech therapists employed in the acute phase spagnolo: Rol y sentimientos del logopeda durante la pandemia de la Covid-19: entrevista a tres logopedas empleados en la fase aguda francese: Rôle et ressenti de l'orthophoniste pendant la pandémie de Covid-19 : entretien avec trois orthophonistes employés en phase aiguë

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Submitted by Anastasia Cecere
in the project ADATTAMENTO e RESILIENZA nella cornice della pandemia da Covid-19

last updated 30/03/2022

Original editing language: Italiano
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ADATTAMENTO e RESILIENZA nella cornice della pandemia da Covid-19

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