Evaluating Facebook pages for small hotels: a systematic approach.

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Social networking websites play an increasi ngly important role in hotel promotion and marketing. However, designing effective so cial networks profiles still presents quite a challenge. To support the development of quality hotels’ profiles, we introduce a systematic approach based on an evaluation model that includes a number of heuristic factors and user ratings. The model was developed for Facebook, the most successful social networking website. The evaluation scheme was developed via (a) an online brainstorming with influential bloggers and experienced web designers and (b) the classification and integration of the evaluation characteristics and criteria. To test the applicability of the model, we performed an exploratory study on selected Facebook pages of small hotels in Italy and submitted them to a user evaluation. The results validated our model and highlighted that hotels can implement the model to optimize their pages in a number of ways to better exploit their Facebook presence.

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author: Luisa Mich
author: Rodolfo Baggio
publisher: Information Technology and Tourism, 2015
OER type
Metadata and online reference

Submitted by Fernando Martínez de Carnero
in the project Tecnologia e strutture turistico-alberghiere

last updated 23/04/2016

Original editing language: unknown
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Gestión y promoción hotelera con las tecnología informáticas

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