Developing a Theoretical Framework for Audiovisual Translation in Egypt

Recent developments in Egypt point to the rising importance of social media and to the power of audiovisual culture. For centuries Egypt has been a meeting point of cultures, religions, languages and the arts. In today’s world, digital technology plays a fundamental role in the interface between countries and cultures and this is done via a screen. The paper aims to pave the way for the endorsement of audiovisual translation as a modus operandi starting at translation schools and expanding into numerous applications that link AVT with other industries such as cinema, tourism, Egyptology, trade, diplomacy, business and the broadcasting sector. To date, translation schools and translation authorities alike remain uninterested in audiovisual translation while the applications of digital technology increase on a daily basis. The paper will argue that the endorsement of AVT should not be an individual initiative but a collective effort.

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Submitted by Valeria Cervetti
in the project Audiovisual Translation for the Web

last updated 15/03/2017

Original editing language: Italiano
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