Copyright User UK

view resource is an online resource aimed at making UK copyright law accessible to creators, media professionals, entrepreneurs, students, and members of the public. The resources here are meant for everyone who uses copyright: musicians, filmmakers, performers, writers, visual artists and interactive developers, among others. Our goal is to inform creators about how to protect their work, how to license and exploit it, and how to legally re-use the work of others. We aim to provide answers to the most pressing concerns that creators have about copyright. This site is based in the UK, so the contents here reflect what is permitted under UK copyright legislation. Updated 10 December 2015.

Type of material
Terms of use
Target audience
Subject areas
Media formats
Accessibility features
OER type
Metadata and online reference

Submitted by Silvia Pellacani
in the project Aspetti legali delle professioni creative

last updated 13/07/2016

Original editing language: unknown
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