Neural Reactivity to Emotional Faces Mediates the Relationship Between Childhood Empathy and Adolescent Prosocial Behavior

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Reactivity to others' emotions can result in empathic concern, an important motivator of prosocial behavior, but can also result in personal distress, which may hinder prosocial behavior. Examining neural substrates of emotional reactivity may elucidate how empathic concern and prosocial behavior differentially influence prosocial behavior. Participants provided measures of empathic concern, prosocial behavior, prosocial behavior, and neural responses to emotional expressions at age 10 and 13.

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Proposto da Luisa Pilli
nel progetto A.A. 2018/19 Psicologia del Lavoro e delle Organizzazioni

ultima modifica 04/04/2018

Lingua di editing originale: Italiano
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