Natural Language Processing with Python

Natural Language Processing techniques allow addressing tasks like text classification and information extraction and content generation. They can give the perception of machines being able to understand humans and respond more naturally. In this session, Barbara will introduce basic concepts of natural language processing. Using Python and its machine learning libraries the attendees will go through the process of building the bag of words representation and using it for text classification. It can be then used to recognise the sentiment, category or the authorship of the document. The goal of this tutorial is to build the intuition on the simple natural language processing task. After this session, the audience will know basics of the text representation, learn how to develop the classification model and use it in real-world applications.

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Proposto da Stefano Lariccia
nel progetto __ Elaborazione del Linguaggio Naturale

ultima modifica 02/04/2020

Lingua di editing originale: Italiano
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