Burnout syndrome prevalence in physiotherapists

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate burnout syndrome in its three aspects, jointly as well as independently, in physiotherapists from the Extremadura region (Spain). METHOD: Analytic descriptive epidemiological transversal trial in primary care and institutional practice, with physiotherapists practicing in Extremadura who met the inclusion criteria, after having signed an informed consent form. Emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low professional accomplishment were the outcomes measured. RESULTS: Physiotherapists from Extremadura show a 65.23 point level of burnout syndrome, according to the Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire. Therefore, they are positioned in the middle of the rating scale for the syndrome, and very near to the high level at starting score of 66 points. CONCLUSION: Physiotherapists in Extremadura present moderate scores for the three dimensions of burnout syndrome, namely, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low professional accomplishment. For this reason, they are in the moderate level of the syndrome and very near to the high level, which starts at a score of 66 points. No relation between burnout syndrome and age has been found in our study.

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Proposto da Silvia Minnucci
nel progetto A.A. 2018/19 Psicologia del Lavoro e delle Organizzazioni

ultima modifica 23/03/2018

Lingua di editing originale: Italiano
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1 Commenti

Francesca Bonetti il

Pur essendo un argomento attuale e da approfondire, considero questo studio con un eccessivo bias di reclutamento. La spedizione dei questionari via posta e non tramite un colloquio porta solo i "volontari" interessati a rispondere ai questionari stessi, non rappresentando con il campione preso in cosiderazione (solo il 20% di risposta) la popolazione di riferimento.

Specificato ciò il dato di gravità non correlato all'età del fisioterapista, ma al numero di ore settimanali lavorate identifica, a mio avviso, una fascia di professionisti che dovrebbero essere educati fin dall'inizio della propria attività professionale al rischio di burn out.

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