Ancient Colosseum: A Virtual reality experience with Oculus Rift
What if you could visit ancient Rome? Radical VR offers museum visitors a front-row seat to a gladiator match in the Roman Colosseum. We take you on a tour of one of the most significant pieces of architecture of the ancient world! As you wander through the structure and into the bloody battles on the Colosseum floor, you will learn about the history of this iconic building and some of the incredible feats of Roman engineering that made the stadium of 50, 000 possible. It’s an unforgettable experience which will enhance any exhibit focusing on ancient civilizations. Contact us today to find out how you can add the Colosseum Lives to your musuem.
What if you could visit ancient Rome? Radical VR offers museum visitors a front-row seat to a gladiator match in the Roman Colosseum. We take you on a tour of one of the most significant pieces of architecture of the ancient world! As you wander through the structure and into the bloody battles on the Colosseum floor, you will learn about the history of this iconic building and some of the incredible feats of Roman engineering that made the stadium of 50, 000 possible. It’s an unforgettable experience which will enhance any exhibit focusing on ancient civilizations. Contact us today to find out how you can add the Colosseum Lives to your musuem.
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Proposto da
Francesca Troiani
nel progetto Realtà aumentata e virtuale nel turismo culturale
ultima modifica da Beatrice Marcotulli -- 27/04/2017
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