Students’ Emotions in Socio‑constructivist Approaches

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Comparing Experiences at Different Italian School Levels. Emotions are becoming increasingly central in education research. The research shows a deep gap concerning emotions triggered by socio-constructivist approaches where learn- ing occurs through social interaction, peer-work, group work, and learning activities based on building ideas or concrete objects. The specific emotions emerging in such contexts are still under-researched. To address this gap, this study first reviews how emotions are cur- rently conceptualized and studied. We then present excerpts from several of our studies to analyze the specific emotional processes that emerge in relation to socio-constructivist educational activities. The main objective is to understand what emotions are elicited in students when participating in educational socio-constructivist activities. (from the Abstract of the paper)

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Submitted by Giovanni Toffoli
in the project Motivations and self-regulated learning

last updated 20/11/2023

Original editing language: English
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