Out of Copyright | Determining the Copyright Status of works

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Public Domain Calculators [Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Switzerland]: Creative works of art in the public domain can be freely used by anyone. A work falls in the public domain if copyright has expired, or if it is waived by for example a CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) dedication. This website revolves around the question if a certain work protected by copyright (or a related right) has fallen in the public domain. Because of the national differences in European copyright law, we answer this question per jurisdiction. Rights created during Digitisation [France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom]: The copyright status of a digital work can differ from the copyright status of its analog version. The rights situation after digitisation is ambiguous and depends on several factors. Works that were previously in the public domain are sometimes granted new copyright protection, or a similar temporary right. OutOfCopyright.eu presents research on the copyright status after digitisation per European jurisdiction.

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Submitted by Silvia Pellacani
in the project Aspetti legali delle professioni creative

last updated 13/03/2016

Original editing language: unknown
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